New Parents Care

Due date Calculator

A due date is an estimated time of when you are due to give birth. Why a due date is necessary one may ask well it is good to know beforehand the arrival of the baby then the new parents can be prepared and plan accordingly.Also as a new mother there are so many things that we need to keep in mind like booking maternity leave, preparing the nursery etc.

Have you as a parent been on the edge to understand your baby’s due date. Well you don’t have to worry anymore. Try using our due date calculator to know more about your baby.

Due Date Calculator
When did your last period start?
Generally, how long are your cycles?
Calculate your due date
Your baby is likely to be born on or around*
*Only your physician can accurately determine your due date or the date of your conception based on his/her knowledge of your complete medical condition.
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In partnership with Clearblue®.

Let’s see how a due date is calculated ?

According to an article titled ‘Estimating Your Due Date’ by Traci C. Johnson, using an ultrasound from your healthcare provider can also do the job.In our website the due date can be calculated in four ways. First thing that one must do is to choose the calculation method. It can either be Ultrasound, through your Last period, Conception date and IVF.

Let’s get into it in detail

If you choose the ultrasound option then you will have to fill in the ultrasound date and the Calculated gestational age on the date that the ultrasound was performed. If your option is through your last period then enter when the period started and the period length Choosing IVF you have to mention your date of transfer or through conception then mention your conception date.

How long can you go over your due date?

Statistically most women go into labour on the 42d week( two weeks after the due date). But you still do not give birth after that you will be advised to take a membrane sweep and if even that doesn’t work then you will brought into induced labour.


In conclusion, a due date generator performs as an invaluable tool that new parents can use to know the coming of their baby. One most important thing to keep in mind is that these generators need not be useful or accurate all the time. Every person’s due date may vary due to various reason. That being said using a due date calculator can be an additional information that new parents can lean on and with which they can consult a medical professional. Remember it is always good to get a medical opinion.