New Parents Care

Chinese gender predictor

chinese gender predictor

There is an old Chinese quote that goes like “Only when everyone contributes wood will the fire burn brightly.”  The Chinese culture is known for its sophistication and there are many ancient  knowledge that the Chinese possess. The Chinese also have a lot of superstitions regarding the birth of a baby and especially when it comes to determining the gender of the child as they believe ‘gender’ to be quite vital in determining the lifespan of the child. Let’s get to know more about the Chinese gender predictor.


Some sources claim that this gender prediction method is almost 300 or 700 years old. The Chinese gender predictor is said to be found according to many sources in a royal Chinese tomb. It was found in the tomb in the form of a calendar. It is also widely believed to be based on the Chinese astrology book ‘BOOK OF CHANGES’ which is based on the Five Elements, Yin and Yang and the Eight Trigrams. While there are no evidence to back this but it is said to super accurate with its gender predictions. Gender reveals are extremely popular and it is also a fun and entertaining practice that new parents can indulge in.

Chinese Gender Predictor

Are Chinese gender predictions accurate ?

Using the Chinese gender predictor is a cakewalk for many. But that doesn’t mean that it is always spot on. There are various other methods that new parents revert to if they think the Chinese gender predictor is not for them. Looking at recent advancements in the medical field there are different options to choose from to know your offspring’s gender. Some of the commonly used options are:

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)

Sex-Sorting Embryos

Anatomy scan



Through Chinese gender predictor new parents can find a more experimental way to find the gender of the baby. It need not always be 100 percent accurate but giving it a try can really be worth it. In conclusion, the process of gender prediction is quite complex as there are several other factors that play a key role in determining the sex. So it is always advised to new parents to approach such things with caution.

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